National Aboriginal Day
I am so bad at updating this blog that I thought I would do an entry right away about National Aboriginal Day. The weather was not too promising but we headed out. The kids were loaded into the double stroller, which is actually an old fashioned bike trailer, along with rainsuits, a change of clothes, oodles of food, dinky cars, baby carrier, pow wow regalia and other odds and ends. We started off at the Odawa Native Friendship Centre, where the kids played and played with balloons and bubbles. Once the bouncy castle got inflated (it was originally in the gym, then moved to another room, then back outside, then it rained and it came back to the gym), that’s where Jason spent his time. Keira also got a chance with a baby bounce session.
We then toddled (literally given Keira’s walking style) over to our friend Jasper’s 1st birthday party. He also has a sister almost exactly Jason’s age. Jason let himself into the party, went upstairs and started playing Anna’s guitar in her room and humming along (alone). Going up to find him I had real visions of the teenage years. We came home for awhile and then went on a bus adventure where we needed to catch not one but two buses, and had not one but two buses completely not stop at the stops where we were waiting. This was all a little unsettling for Jason but in general he enjoyed the adventure.
We went to Victoria Island for more celebrations. Keira rode a pony and tried to climb onstage with the jingle dancers (she had her jingle string and pow wow dress on). Keira and Jason danced on the stage after the dancers were finished. Jason almost rode a pony. We all listened to some performers and a rock band. When we got home Keira didn’t even want to see a bottle or a book and just went to sleep. Jason settled once we had made up a race car lullaby.:)