The Gass-Lachance family

Monday, September 10, 2012

Summer reflections So many great times, aided by mythical weather – sunshine, heat, warm water Letting the waves at Martinique Beach crash over her head seems to provide inspiration for Keira. She popped out of one wave and asked “ Will we ever see Mrs.Doyle (former Vice Principal at ESCS) again. A few minutes later she pops out again, “Is Camelot real?”, and finally, “Did Grandma know she was pregnant when she went on the Zipper?” We paused for snacks, sitting on our boogie boards and then she skipped back down to the water to ride more waves. Gorgeous Martinique, with a wide stretch of sand and blue bouncing waves – amazing. Our times at the cottage this year were amazing. Each day was the best day you could imagine with warm water, sunshine and heat rolling in on offshore breezes. Jason did an amazing amount of kayaking and snorkeling this year. Keira was always up for a swim – preferably “an extra long swim”. The playground forest was enhanced with the addition of a zip line which the kids loved. Keira couldn’t walk past her swinging bar without having a little swing. Jason spent hours playing tether ball and basketball and loved biking through the woods. They often went on adventures togethers, liking frog searching in the ditch and had many tales to tell. Keira fell off her bike and Jason put a bandaid on! The dog at the church-cottage was running after them and Keira threw cherries to distract him!


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