The Gass-Lachance family

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Jason's first skateboard

Jason got his first skateboard today or so he thought. We all trekked off to the great Glebe garage sale this morning. We weren’t on a mission, unlike previous years, so we arrived at the leisurely hour of 8:30 a.m.. This is a huge garage sale – think thousands of people in a large neighbourhood. Some streets are barely passable for pedestrians let alone cars. Anyway, we got Jason a large bucket of dinky cars and we all saw that there was a small skateboard in as well – kind of Playmobile size. We were puzzled that he didn’t ask for any of the (real) skateboards we saw for sale but whatever, we were just happy that he was happy. Tonight, when we went for a walk, he proudly brought his skateboard out the front door, down the driveway and then put it on the ground and tried to get on. We were amazed and his face said that even he realized something was awry. Basically he couldn’t grasp the scale of the situation (him – big; skateboard – miniature). He tried a half dozen times to ride it and accepted his failure well.

Keira Jill also had a big today today. After the garage sale, we headed out to the Odawa pow wow. Keira has a ribbon dress that we made her and a jingle string so she was ready to dance. We “danced” (her walking holding my hands) a whole bunch of intertribals (non-competitive dances where everybody can join), and then she (and I) also danced the “Tiny tots” portion. She was great. She loves the drumming and the dancing and regalia, particularly any regalia that includes feathers. The best part was that after the Tiny Tots, we walked off the pow wow circle to find Jason who said he was so proud and they gave each other a hug and a kiss. These kids are so amazing in their love and devotion to each other. Keira walked across the dining room tonight to Jason’s waiting arms and I don’t think she would have done it for anybody else!

Pow wow pictures and other to be posted in near future…

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tulip time!

Life gets messy sometimes...

Breakfast May 8
Lunch May 8
Dinner May 8
With a car this big, you need a helmet

Friday, May 11, 2007

First steps for Keira

We have had a few great weeks here at the Lucky Gass ranch. Heather and I are both one year older, and heading rapidly for the mid-thirties(!). We also all enjoyed a great visit with Nana and Uncle Ian. Jason was in his element with everyone around, and couldn’t believe his luck in getting so many Nana cuddles. Nana Lou also got lots of time with Keira, particularly when I was grounded with a 24 hour bug. Keira also enjoyed hanging out with Uncle and made sure she got in middle of all the playing. One time, when Jason and Ian went playing a game she likely didn’t know how to bust in on, she just started standing up on her own repeatedly and making eyes at Uncle Ian – ‘Helllloooo! I am over here! Still cute!!”.

Some of you may also have received an email newsflash that Keira took two steps last Monday- she did but hasn’t decided to take anymore. She is too busy climbing on everything!

We are enjoying glorious spring time, almost summer-like, weather here. Much to our surprise, after she was cold all winter, Keira also seems to heat up rapidly. Jason of course is also hot. We went to see the Tulips last night, and Jason was suitably enthusiastic – “Look, purple ones, pink ones, yellow ones…” We also had a great playdate with friends yesterday. Jason and his friend were telling 3 year old jokes and make themselves (and mommies) laugh a lot. “Where could dinosaurs live?” “In Gatineau Park…in Jason Park…in Macaroni Park…” Anyway you probably had to be there but it was the height of 3 year old humour. Keira has started signing quite a lot, especially “all done” (e.g. all done sleeping), and shaking her head “No”.

I will post photos soon.