The Gass-Lachance family

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Hi all,

Just to let you know, Jason did very well today. First, when I dropped him at school, he started talking to his friend Kiah G and telling her that he was going to eat 4 candies tonight! She of course looked confused - 'why just 4"? But as you know, our kids don't get much candy so this is a big deal. He then assured her, "But don't worry I won't forget to brush my teeth!!".

Jason also had a big day at CHEO and passed the procedure very well! Hooray for Jason. Heather and I are still recovering.

We had a great time tongiht. Keira has an eye for sweets. Unlike Jason she is not easily distracted from a package of smarties. They were both very impressed with the gifts the Hallowe'en Fairy gave them (in exchange for the candy) and Jason remarked that the Hallowe'en Fairy must know him pretty well to have gotten him the Cars characters Ramone and Fillmore.


Spidey Kids Getting ready for School

Here's Jason getting ready for school on Haloween, as always aided by "spidey sister"
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Happy Haloween!

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

oh yes, and photos

our new camera takes big pictures and so loading them here takes a long time...we will try and get to it in the near future...

Library days with Jason

We are very lucky to have a bookworm in Jason. Most nights we have to limit his book reading after we have finished a number of books, otherwise he would flip through books "reading" for at least a couple of hours. He will often walk in for a meal with a book in front of his face. And with the influence of two JK programs he is very interested in exploring letters. He has even started to recognize a couple of words in text ("cat" and "pig" for example) Phonics is no big deal for him after several years in speech therapy. His interest in language is increasing and more than once day he will say something not understandable and say "that's how you say oatmeal in Inuktitut". At JK he has a reading buddy which is Jacob who is the son of one of our friend`s. Jason also has all of Jacob`s old clothes so we wonder if Jacob recognizes them every Tuesday.

We have a complex system of library borrowing in our house now. Jason has library day at Churchill and library day at Headstart. heather and Keira go to the library on Tuesdays (and often borrow books) and Jason and Heather go to the library on Saturdays (often borrowing books). We have been amused to see what books Jason brings home when he is left to his own devices, and we have taken to returning some of the school books the next day such as "Beauty and the Beast". He also brought one home from Headstart that was designed "to teach children about God's love for them" which is all well and good but the book substituted a different name for God (I can't remember right now but something like "Carer") and didn't actually reference "God". It went back with the instruction that really, Christian books could stay at Headstart, while books exploring beliefs of varying faiths were quite welcome.