I was just reading a friend's blog that she is endeavouring to update more often and i thought I should follow this great example... We have been having a great, busy fall. It is amazing now that our kids do more activities how much September becomes a real start. EVERYTHING seems to start at once, leaving us scrambling to make sure we have everything organized and ready to go each day. We had a great start to the school year. Both kids have really great teachers which makes things so much smoother. Jason is doing extremely well in Grade 4. He is happy, relaxed, confident and productive. I went in to make salsa with his class lately which was a great success. His social successes have been fairly steady, and just this past weekend he had a sleepover (or really an awake-over since he might not have slept) at a friend's. It was a complete success. He has been taking gymnastics and Cubs will finally start this week. We are gearing up for another surgery, scheduled for November 5. They will be re-building his palate so a pretty major event. He is not very keen on the idea - who would be - but we are planning and hoping for success. Keira has had a great start to Grade 1. She has the same teacher that J had in Grade 1 and she is truly wonderful, attending the academic and social development of children in akin and respectful way. I have started going in to read with students each week. Outside of school she probably has too much going on and we are going to sound like crazy parents but here it goes : violin, piano, Sparks, gymnastics, Basketball and ringette. She also does an Aboriginal kids program called kids and culture. And oh yeah the church choir...Don't judge us because she is over programmed!! She loves it all ...well she could skip violin practice in a heartbeat but that is my non-negotiable. And we would like to drop gymnastics but she is really benefiting from the exercise and body awareness. Ringette may be a really thing for her - she can put all the gear on herself and had a blast last weekend. So happy, red faced and sweaty coming off the ice. She tried having her first sleep over when J went to his. His friend's little sister came here. We had a blast with the girls out at Nocturne and they settled well until Keira burst into tears - she wanted Jason back and her friend gone. Yikes!! How awful for her friend. She probably didn't hear anything but Keira kept running back and forth to the bathroom. Then they settled into sleep until Keira had a night terror at midnight which totally freaked her friend out and Heather ended up doing a late night, cross town drive to bring her friend home. For Thanksgiving, Gary and Iris joined us at cottage in Kingsport. I completed the Valley Half Marathon, which was the culmination of months of training, perseverance and overcoming my own conception of myself as unfit and not strong. I actually felt awful the entire time - I was in the middle of getting my period and was very nauseous - really just wanted to puke and curl up in the fetal position - but I completed faster than planned and upright. I also smiled for all the pictures in an effort to rewrite history! I am hooked however, as I really enjoyed the training process and would like to do it again next year. We enjoyed the weekend in Kingsport - apple picking, feeding cows, picking strawberries, beac walks, corn maze, etc..