The Gass-Lachance family

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Keira's start to school

Keira's start to school has been amazing. On the first day, she confidently went to school (all dressed up), patiently waited outside, headed in, hung up her things and sat at a table. She has been enjoying school which is so good to see. On the first day, I wondered how she would find her things, find her way out, etc., and there she was - backpack on, managing the crowd successfully. I feel like she grew up a lot in the first couple of weeks. She enjoys lunch with Leo and they have a fairly well established process of sharing food and enjoying each other's company at the table. Keira has also friends in her class. keira is probably too busy this year with violin, piano, skating, swimming and maybe Sparks.

Jason is finally starting to settle in. It was a big year - moving upstairs, in a 3/4 class. he has started to come home singing popular songs. I ask what the words are/who sings it and he says he doesn't know but it is a good song! He has lots of energy after school tehse days as his body grows and changes. He is doing violin at school, swimming, basketball, gymnastics and Friends for Life, and oh yes Cubs.

It has been a busy fall. My productive September didn't quite live up to my dreams but I did go swimming at the Waeg each day. I also spent a lot of time at school ,visiting at lunch. We estimate that we have been away over 6 months of my 18 month leave. So I probably did get a lot accomplished in terms of organizing the house and settling in.