The Gass-Lachance family

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Overheard on Oxford Street

Lisa has completed one of her goals for parenting. Her kids are good skaters. Both - and yes that includes the 3 year old - out-skate her (someday I will go back to skating lessons). Now onto the next goal, complete self capacity to locate (ahem Jason) and put on (Keira) all winter gear....

"Let's follow that ghost and get him!!!(Keira), followed by "Okay, and I will bring my guide to Canadian wildlife flowers to see what flowers he likes..." (Jason, terrified of ghosts but hoping they appreciate flora and fauna).

The kids play a family favourite:" What would you buy from the vending machine if you were allowed?"

I found good entertainment in getting a 3 year old to run around in front of the (hungry?)cougar enclosure at Shubie Wildlife Park. And yes, despite a bagpiper and town crier that little groundhog turned around and fled....luckily there was a mascot sized Sam for pictures.

Keira likes The Name Game ("keira, bo beira, fee, fi, fo feira...KEIRA" "Mama bo bame, fee fi fo fama...Mama") but she just can't do it with "truck" in public anymore.