The Gass-Lachance family

Friday, August 28, 2009

Another cute conversation

The kids and I went to pick up our farm basket this week. As we were getting back into the car, Keira said"Why don't we have a mini-van. I really like the way the doors open." I explained that Mommies don't need or want to pay for a bigger vehicle (the latter being more truthful than the former). She said "That's okay we can use my money." Jason told her she didn't have enough. Keira then said "We can use mine and Jason's money. We can share.". Jason said "I am saving my money for university". We then talked a little bit about university, how there were perfectly good universities in Halifax like Dalhousie. They both agreed that they were going to Dalhousie (I wish I had an audio clip of how cute they sound saying "I am going to Dalhousie University." Then Keira started planning their shared "office", one of them on each side, with a paper wall and a slide to get from one side to the other. These details taken care of, she said" And we will have our kids with us at university!" I started to explain that whole I was sure that she could do it, university was quite hard and maybe it would be better to go to school, travel, be an artist, etc., before having kids. She said "But Mama, we aren't going to HARD university..."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lovely moments

There is no way to capture all of the lovely moments between my children this summer but I have a few on my mind that I do want to share:
- Keira believing that Jason was really doing magic in the back seat of the car. There had been a lot of talking and giggling and then all of a sudden an astonished" Mama! jason is really doing magic!"
- We took them to a party after 11 days at the cottage (read:isolated spot in rurl NB). As they surveyed the craziness while standing in the middle of the backyard, Keira inched over and grabbed Jason's hand and hung on for dear life.
- In a moment of parenting dysfunction, we gave up trying to put them to bed before sunset a couple of nights ago and let them outside at the cottage. They couldn't quite believe their freedom in the warm twilight.
- We play a lot at our cottage, and the other morning Heather was digging in the sand, damming off one part of a tidal pool and creating a canal to funnel water out the other end (fun to play with currents). The kids and I discovered that the hermit crabs are a lot fo fun to watch as the canal becomes their own water slide, and they actually ball up and roll out to sea (no hermit crabs were hurt in the making of this memory).

The changes in Jason are so subtle these days as he moves into "big kid-hood". He took to riding a 2 wheeler very easily and now enjoying pushing the limits a little -s ome skidding stops and turns; standing up while coasting. He saw a preteen dance at the Waeg the otehr night and couldn't stop watching from the window. His body language suggested a mix of wonder, awe, amazement and longing. He really couldn't get over the fact that no adults were there! He and I had a lovely low tide walk the other day, exploring the far reaches of the rocky, weedy bits of our beach.