The Gass-Lachance family
Friday, January 19, 2007
Keira is on the move
I believe I keep making commitments to update this blog on a regular basis but life keeps getting in the way. I have learned that having two kids really does push you closer to chaos at all times, and that there is a need to remain highly flexible.
Some of us are sick again. I won’t get into who, when what because it keeps changing. I can’t believe how frequently we are “getting something” in this house. It is likely due to Jason starting preschool on a more regular basis. I don’t know how anyone could work full time through this period – I am starting to feel silly for all the things we keep canceling on.
Jason seems to be getting into the swing of things a little bit more. He was devastated when Heather went back to work and has been a bit mopy. I had been getting worried a little about his lack of interest in writing numbers and letters and all that sort of school readiness stuff, especially when all the kids at Headstart were tracing letters this week and all he wanted to do was play. I also went to the Junior Kindergarten info session at Hilson School this week. So, I have been re-starting having art every day after pre-school with limited success. So yesterday he came home, drew a perfect snowman, wrote his name, my name, Keira, Mom etc., and finished by doing a whole worksheet of writing numbers. I feel a lot better now!
Keira is the sickest one this week, leaving me (and her) with very little sleep. However, it isn’t really slowing her down. She has started moving around in a bum scoot, twist around kind of way, usually finishing with a grand finale of flopping over on her belly to reach what she wants. If you really want to get her to move, just put a dinky car or box of Kleenex down (she likes how she can just keep taking things out of the Kleenex box) and watch her move!!
I am feeling particularly nestled in “Mamadom” this week, after holding a sick baby all night, hauling Jason off to CHEO for a morning and going to a JK info session. Heather on the other hand this week has actually gotten out a couple of time into adult world to go swimming and to a concert!
That’s all for us. I will try and load some pictures now.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Happiness is...
Okay, so as you can see, I am having trouble keeping this blog updated. However, now that we have started a new routine, I am hoping that I can update it once a week.
Today Jason and I went to Inuit Headstart. They were talking about emotions and when the teacher asked people to raise their hands and tell her what made them happy, Jason was the first one to answer and said “Playing with my mommies!”. We talk about all the moments at Headstart that can make you cry and this was certainly one for me.
We had a wonderful family weekend. This family is really “gelling”. We are having so much fun and the incidences of “Extreme Gass-Lachance chaos” are decreasing. The kids (it still sounds funny to pluralize it) have a lot of fun playing together. Jason had Keira belly laughing, and they are always so excited to see each other. Keira is already developing a dinky car obsession and if anything is going to get her moving it will be that!
We had a lot of fun at the aviation museum this weekend at a special Inuit day. We may great Inuit art, listened to drumming and throatsinging and then Inuit games. Jason got so into doing the Inuit games, which involve kicking games and leg wrestling. Even Heather and I got a chance to try leg wrestling (not against each other thank goodness – she would’ve taken me in a minute).
Heather went back to work last week. We are trying out a 80% schedule which we have been attracted to for a long time. As I type this, heather is cooking. It all seems to be working out well so far!!!