The Gass-Lachance family

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

On our own!

Hi all,

Sorry it's been so long since an update. Blogger wasn't working when I had time. Heather is away for work so J and I are on our own tonight. He is less than impressed with this so I am tired and probably can't do justice to how our little boy continues to grow, change and mature.

He is also still funny:

- When I sat on Heather's lap at breakfast (don't ask), he shouted, "Noooo now there's a big Mama there!".

- We took a spin to the local park with his go-kart. Like a scene from a movie, all the little boys gatehred around and admired Jason's machine. Some even got test drives. Since an older boy (maybe 7) had earlier called it a baby bike, Jason felt quite good about the muscle car type admiration he got. He was overheard to say" see it's not a baby bike".

- He plays soccer with the grizzlies on Saturdays and even has a team shirt.

- Our yoga class is great. Jason can "Om" with the best of them. It probably helps that Amanda, yoga goddess teacher is pretty and kind with long blonde locks. He is in luv! He did jump on me during meditation again.

ANyway I gotta go to bed - who knows what tomorrow will bring??!!


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