The Gass-Lachance family

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Jason's first day of school

Hi all,

Jason went ot his first day of school today...okay well it was pre-school but the same thing to him. He did really well. He packed up his back pack and we walked to the Hilson school behind us. Our plan is to start slowing integrating him into the program over the fall. In general, he liked it although was a little stressed. He shunned the trucks, blocks and train in favour of high heeled play shoes (pink) and a tiara and at time , a pink feather boa. He really has flair. The daycare has a huge outdoor space so he got lots of trike time. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing but do think it's a good spot. Tomorrow I leave him for about two hours (gulp!).

He continues to grow and expand his play. We are placing a major emphasis on construction, hoping to avoid guns, military play etc.. So his skills in organizing construction play is growing and growing...We got a major lego haul over the weekend and he is busily loading people in and out of trucks and cars. Mighty Machines is a major influence and someday we hope to get the DVD set! After daycare today, I also think we need ot get some more dress up and imaginary play items. He has also learned how to throw a frisbee. Today he packed up all of his instruments (after making a list) to go on a band tour.

Jason and I went to our first yoga class yesterday...yes it is really really cute. You should see him do tree pose. I am getting something out of it too depsite being jumped on during meditation. Last night I hosted the local municipal candidate for a coffee party here. Jason really enjoyed "the party" and made off with about 6 pieces of olive bread, four gingersnaps and many crackers. He also joined us in the living room for some discussion.

We went to Headstart on Monday which as always was wonderful.

And oh yes, this past weekend - Chris and I completed our 10 km race with good times, chris at 1 hour and me at 68 minutes. hooray!

I hear my young one calling - gotta go.



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