The Gass-Lachance family

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Catching up...March 2

Hia ll,

Someday I will get back on our blog. In the meantime...

We are having our first (and hopefully last) snowstorm (with ice pellets of course) here in Ottawa and the children are peacefully sleeping (!) so I thought I would throw together an update.

We continue to move through different illnesses. I dare say Keira is healthy now but Jason has what she had last week - a fever without any side infections. When he was doing better this week, he was doing well - quite a bit happier and easier to manage. Of course he is still saying lots of cute things - way more than I can capture but here are afew. We went walking int he woods on Sunday afternoon and on the way back Heather and I decided that we really wanted Wendy's takeout so we told Jason we were going to a hamburger restaurant and would pick up food and take it home. We asked him what he wanted and he said, "SPINACH!!". We really should have stopped right there for all of our sakes but we came home, he asked french fries, spinach and sweet potato and left his burger. He and I went skating the other night and on the way back (it was wonderful clear night with an almost full moon), he said"Mama I am going to ask you to get the moon for me....okay Mama get it..bring it down Mama I want it." His skating was really good although unfortunately he didn't think so. Maybe next year will be a better skating year. He was also "disappointed in those guys" at the rink who weren't wearing helmets while playing hockey.

Keira is feeling good and is on the move. She is very fast these days on all fours. I think my favorite sound these days is that slap of her hands on the floor as she speeds up coming down the hall to follow me. She is revealing exactly how indecent and stubborn she is. She wants to feed herself from a bowl with a spoon. She gets upset if you empty a bowl of things like peas to whatever on her tray and puts them back in the bowl (and then throws the bowl around). It is "that stage again" as HG and I say where we contemplate putting her chairs inside some kind of washable basin. She uses a few words quite consistently (Mama, Mom, ball, Jason, brother) and sometimes signs. Often she signs "more" and "where" but without accompanying signs it is hard to respond. The other night at Minwashin Lodge, she asked where Mom was so we set off and someone said "of Heather is Mom then you are..." and Keira chimed in with "Mama!". She is also advancing on her small motor skills and is starting to pile blocks much to HG's delight (everyone has their favorite milestones).

We are hanging in there. I am getting a little sick of well, sicknesses and cold and reveled in our few mild days. We seem to be getting more sleep on average. We are trying to get a few things done in the house like interior painting, renos etc so that keeps me busy in a Westboro kind of way.

Hope you are all well, Lisa


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